One of the most successful groups ants Insecticides in insect Animal Kingdom And is receiving great attention because they are Social insect Problem Colonies Or nests (nests), sometimes containing millions of individuals. Colonies of some ant species Pandemic invasive ant species may work together to form a giant stretch Kstamrat On very large areas, and sometimes might be described as ant colonies Mtedei high super organism because it works as one harmonious.
Ants Of insects belonging to Hypnotherapy class, and have six legs, a small insect Vale with much of a response, they represent 20% of the organisms on the planet The ground, ants have been known since ancient times and according to specialists since Cretaceous They have experienced the dinosaurs existed 92 million years old.
Signs of Allah in Ants:
The Almighty said: (and gathered together unto Solomon his armies of the jinn and mankind And birds, and they distribute {17} Even if Came to the Valley Ants, an ant exclaimed: O ants! (Al Ant: 1719).
Scientific Miracles:
Mentioned in the Holy word word feminine ant: ant said.
Has been scientifically proven that the ant is a sterile female which was already overworked Kingdom To gather food and care for the young and defending the Kingdom and graduated from the cell to work, but Male ants do not appear only in the pollination period not only in the role of vaccination Queens.
A language of understanding between members of the ant:
Ant said: O ants! Enter your dwellings. Scientists have discovered that the ant language of understanding, including through technology Communicate through codes of chemical and perhaps the speech was made by the ant to Folk is a chemical code.
If we apply this to the world of ants, we find that the ant is characterized by the smell of a private show Nest to which it belongs, and the function performed by each ant in the nest where it is The production of these pheromones from a gland near the anus.
It was found that if the alien entered the ant colony does not belong to it, the ants in this Colonial become familiar with them by smell and prepared by the enemy, and then begins to attack Them, It is interesting that in one of the laboratory experiments found that removal of odor Ants of some of the specific clan and add special smell another type enemy Has led to attack members of the tribe itself.
In another experiment had been immersed ant dead ant smell, and then returned to the nest, it was observed that Peers bundled out of the nest for being dead, and every time you try to return is Take it out again even though they live and resist the move. And when it was removed The smell of death has only been allowed to stay in the ant nest.
Intelligence of ants:
Valley of the Ants:
I have referred to the Koran That ants are social creatures live in colonies of a creature Collaborator shoulder to shoulder feel everyone of them with a sense of others and is reflected in the behavior of ant In warning her people and will run the lines in the next ....
Ant community:
Community consists of the Queen ants that produce eggs, which swell and grow Until it reaches a length of 9 cm in some species of ants White becomes difficult Important to move and since it does not work for her eggs there is only a special set of Ants to take care of them and fed and cleaned, female Alaqimat you all The work of the cell to defend against the dangers that can threaten the cell to the collection Food to clean the cell and the queen mother and the care of small larvae, etc. ...
Male ants have one mission in life is vaccinated queens do not appear on the surface of Land only when breeding season, and after carrying out its mission of jobs that kill Together That in the compound of ants is no place for non-productive workers.
Valley of the Ants:
Ants live in colonies of the neighbor has built a large enumerate colonies Component city or a valley of ants, just as he called the Quran in the mountains of Pennsylvania States of America one of the scientists discover a one of the largest cities of ants in the world, It was built mostly underground and operates an area of the thirtieth acres dug homes Ants interspersed with streets and lanes, and each ant knows its way to her house Strange sense.
Include each colony of ants on the following layers:
Barracks soldiers.
Majestic room where bleaching queen ant.
Stable for the cows and feeding ants.
Place of hatching eggs.
Place raising of small ants.
Marsha ants, and in his right cemetery for the burial of the dead.
Marsha Queen
Can reach the depths of the Kingdom of ants in some species that live in the forests of the Amazon to (5 meters) wide by 7 meters, set ants by the hundreds of rooms and tunnels. Collection of food:
And to members of the community in unique ways ants collect food storage and preservation Them, if you can not carry ant collected as usual in her mouth to the large size, His background with their feet, raising her arms, and customs to bite into the seed before Stored so as not to return to germinate again, and to facilitate the inclusion in the Reservoirs, and there are some seeds which, if broken to Vlqtin each lobe Memknha That grows from new seeds such as coriander, therefore, the ants cut seed Coriander into four pieces so as not to germinate, and if afflicted by seed rain I've made Into the air and the sun to dry, does not have the rights to this intelligent behavior of the ant However, worship God, the Creator, the Knower who made the ants realize that cracking Jenin pill And the isolation of the seed from the water and moisture that it will not germinate.
Cows ants:
Most of the ants is one of the maids class Ant Workers is the most prevalent in the world, all from the female worker bees, living in so-called colonies and each colony queen One egg-laying work.
Number of eggs laid by the Queen is different depending on the type of ants, may range from a few hundred To several million, Valenua African queen of the ants take approximately 3 to 4 Million eggs per month.
Ants is one of the lengths of insect life on earth, he lives a few months to several years and life of up to 20-year-old Queen.
Ant nests are not the same for all types of ants, for example, crop Hanester Ants ants build underground rooms connected, while engaged ants tailor Tailor Ants leaves and make nests green cylindrical shape, there are nests of other ants may be In the form of trees within the rooms such as what do ants Digger Carpenter Ants, ants and nests under the ground can reach forty feet deeper below ground, the team was able to Of European scientists has discovered a colony of enormous Ant stretch for thousands of miles From Italy to north-west Spain.
Census ants in the nest or colony may reach tens of millions. Mentioned twice ants and ant once in the Koran and there Ants, which Finding an interview with an ant with King Solomon and his army, (even if they came to the Valley of the Ants said Ant O ye ants get into your habitations, lest Solomon and his soldiers, they do not Feel) Verse (18) of Ants , which reflect the Lord's great that created them this little creature.
Valenml To build cities, and it is hard roads, dig tunnels, and store food in Stores and warehouses, and some types of ants living gardens, and planting vegetation to feed Them. And some types of ants keep Bmouachi of its own, Faihlb nectar in her stomach. Waging wars and ants on ants of other tribes, and take prisoners from the defeated ants And harnesses to serve, and some ant species domesticated in other insects in the nests to take advantage Them.
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